New Plants in the Butterfly Garden by Scylla

New Plants in the Butterfly Garden by Scylla

We didn't get to see the English Dogwood and the white Wisteria bloom last year, so we were thrilled to see them bloom this spring.

Mommy, Daddy and youngest boy bean have been adding stuff to the Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden.

This is some oregano she added it is doing good.

This is purple Salvia (Salvia splendens). She planted some of it in the bed with the Queen Anne's Lace cause she thought the purple and green made a nice contrast. She has Purple Heart in that bed too. Next year she is going to give the Purple Heart and the purple Salvia a head start cause the Queen Anne's Lace has taken over the bed.

This is Blue Anise Sage. Mommy loves the vibrant blue blooms.

Mommy thought this picture turned out really neat. Although she doesn't know how she did it. You can really see the nice red blooms on our newest hibiscus. It is a Haight Ashbury and it has dazzling red leaves. Youngest boy bean asked for it.

This is a Yellow Shrimp Plant. Hummingbirds like them. The yellow thing isn't the flower it's the bracts. The bracts will support the white flowers it eventually has.

- Flowers On Friday
This is a Tiger Lily. This Tiger Lily survived Katrina. It used to live in the front yard under the Sweet Gum Trees. Bad Katrina knocked the Sweet Gum Trees down. When BIL came to get the trees he plowed up Mommy's flower bed, she was still in Meridian...

- In The Garden
The Nasturtium is blooming. This is the first time I have planted them so I didn't know what to expect. This is the Empress of India color. If they do well I may try to get some different colors next year and plant a bed of them. This is the Blue...

- Butterfly Garden Update
Youngest son and I saw this lovely tree when we were at the nursery to pick up some plants. It is a Bottlebrush Tree also known as Callistemon rigidus, native to Australia. The price tag was a bit steep for us, so I will try to find it in a smaller size....

- Spring Is In The Air
These violets are growing wild down at the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden. There is a carpet of them, and it is very lovely. We got much needed rain this winter. The pond is finally up to it's previous levels. Unfortunately when the pond was...

- The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
We are all still grieving over the loss of Whiskers. In order to honor his memory we have decided to create a butterfly garden around his grave site. He enjoyed being around his family and this will give us a peaceful spot to sit close to his grave and...

