Last Minute Chores

Last Minute Chores

These past couple of days have been filled with last minute chores. (We are leaving for vacation tomorrow.) In preparation, I have been cleaning chicken houses, moving hay, filling feed bins...just generally getting everything organized for our help to take over. Of course, I am never alone. My co-pilot, Bobby, is always there for a ride in the gator. Even TomTom has been tagging along.

I wanted to show you how Bobby has changed in the past few months. This picture is from November.....
I just took this picture this week....Bobby is so much fluffier than just a couple of months ago. He looks like a different cat.
TomTom never likes to be left he hops in the bed of the gator and off we all go!

- Bobby Meets Ginger And Maryann
Earlier this week, I posted this picture. This is of our "barn" cats.Actually, Bobby is a garage cat. He left the barn years ago, hoping to move into the house,but with three dogs, there was just no room.So, Bobby took up residence in the...

- Pests
Every afternoon for the past couple of weeks,as I enter the upper chicken houses to gather eggs,I am greeted by a flock of Grackles hastily exiting the chickenhouse as I open the door.Each time it happens, I am expecting it...but am startled none-the-less....

- They Call Me The Wanderer.....
"Well, I'm the type of guy who will never settle down.Where pretty girls are, well, you know that I'm around.I kiss'em and I love'em 'cause to me they're all the same.I hug'em and I squeeze'em they don't even know my...

- Bob Is My Co-pilot
You've all seen them.....those tractor trailers on the road that boast "God is my co-pilot". While I don't refute that claim....I have to admit that my co-pilot is much less grandiose. On those trips into the pasture to clean up horse manure,...

- I'll Follow You Anywhere
The Littles and the barn kitties have all become the best of friends. TomTom has taken to napping in a corner of the Littles' stall. Bobby has decided that it is his job to lead the Littles back to the barn. Quite often Red tries to take Bobby's...

