Let the Good Times Roll

Let the Good Times Roll

We have sent Mommy to get some more party supplies, she will be back soon but meantime come join us at the PARTY!!!!! To get to the party click here.

To see pictures of the St. Martin Parade Mommy & Daddy were in visit Daddy's Facebook page Bo Alawine for Supervisor. You may be able to click here to see the pictures.

- Dr. Seuss Day
Socks RocksSocks can pick locksGo on walksSet your clocksEnjoys talksand stalksdocks and likes his water on the ROCKS! Tuiren Hello to you, My nickname is Tui. I went to a fancy do, with Roo. A lot of other girls came too. Soon I will be two. what's...

- Fenris Friday
It is very hot outside. I am staying inside where it is air conditioned. No walking this weekend since Daddy is home, Mommy says we will be back to our regularly scheduled beach walk next week. I also want to let you know about a blog party to help Charlie,...

- Self Portrait
Mommy's new Computer has enough memory for her to install Corel Paint Shop Pro X, which she really likes a lot. She is finally learning to photo shop and do interesting things to pictures. Hopefully the next time our friends have a party or go on...

- Socks & The Flying Carpet
(MoMo, Socks & Sassy picture by Karl) MoMo and Sassy came picked me up on the flying carpet. I have to tell you flying carpets are pawsome. It's like being curled up on your favourite carpet at home and then you are wherever you want to go and...

- Party
The Criz Cats had a surprise birthday party for their Daddy. There was tons of good food there. Scylla was very impressed with the sunset. We were on the cliff overseeing the Straits of Malacca, it was a very lovely spot. Charybdis saw a seashell on...

