Life is Good!

Life is Good!

I hope that wherever you are you had a beautiful weekend.
Although I had heard on the news that 10 states were getting winter storms.

Here in Pennsylvania it could not have been any lovelier!
It was sunny, warm and breezy.

And by the end of Sunday, Spring showed herself in all her glory.

We spent the weekend out of doors...
planting, fertilizing, painting, spreading manure...
doing just about anything we could find to do to keep us outside.

And when we weren't working we were snuggling with the critters.
Yesterday afternoon I happened to catch the long-eared girls napping.

It was too peaceful a scene to pass up!

Daphne (lying down) is a cuddle bug.

Chloe wanted a little face time....

Of course Sammy had to join in....

So much sweetness.
If only everyone could spend a little time each day like this...
there would be a whole lot less stress in this world!
Life is good!

I am happy to say that Pete is doing great!
His "manhood" injury is getting better...
the swelling is down considerably.

He has made friends with Becky's oldest horse, Duffy,
so he has company with which to graze.

Thanks to Becky's tender loving care this poor horse even has a little bounce to his step!

I wanted to show you the yarn that was spun from our fainting goat's angora wool.
Each spring they shed the soft angora portion of their winter coat.
Isn't it lovely?

Unfortunately, this is several years worth of fiber....
I don't think there will be any sweaters knit in the immediate future...
maybe just a hat!

This week our greenhouse is being re-built.
By the end of the week I should be knee deep in potting soil and seeds!

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