Long-Eared Love

Long-Eared Love

We are in that time of year when we awaken to frost on the ground,
and ice on the buckets.
But that frostiness is replaced by noon with temps around 60.

Sunny, blue sky days of autumn are perfect for outdoor work

and perfect for time spent with our four legged friends.

I spent some time grooming the donkeys yesterday afternoon,
in the warm sun.

Such curious creatures, they never miss an opportunity to turn just about anything into a toy!

 Daphne eventually got ahold of the brush with her teeth...

and gave it a toss...

Meanwhile, Chloe came up to me and asked for an ear rubbing.
(one of their favorite things)

I guess when your ears are that big, they get pretty itchy.
The donkeys love for me to sink my fingers inside their ears and rub, rub, rub.

They hold still as if in a trance!

That is, until something else catches their attention.
"Hmmmmm...a tasty pink boot!

Yes, that's my leg she's lifting there inside that boot!

Meanwhile, look who's outside the gate begging to join in...

Ok, Sammy, you can come play with us!

It's great to be loved....and there's always so much love going around!

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