Looking Ahead...Blueberries, Looking Back....Haiti

Looking Ahead...Blueberries, Looking Back....Haiti

Beautiful weather this weekend enabled us to get a lot of outdoor 
projects completed.  
One of these was to place bird netting over all of our 106 blueberry 
bushes and the strawberry patch.

Our 100 young blueberry bushes are loaded with fruit this year. 

This will be the first summer for a significant harvest
from these bushes.  
In the past, our 6 older bushes have had tremendous yield. 
Two summers ago I was able to preserve 200 jars of blueberry lime
jam from these bushes.
Here is my help for the project.
Jenn with baby on board and Oakely.
Obviously, Oakley is not much help.
He's only there to offer moral support.
Ok, what happened to the help?

Looking back....Haiti:
This youtube video was made by the video crew that accompanied our Haiti trip. It is a preview of a full length documentary that they are producing. It will give you a better glimpse at our experience there last month. Please turn on your sound. Select 480p for the highest viewing quality that's located to the right of the volume control at the bottom of the video. The default is 320p.

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