Maddie and the Ducklings

Maddie and the Ducklings

About two weeks ago, while we were on vacation,
nine little ducklings hatched at our pond.
This is the second generation of ducks that have come from my original
group of Swedish Runners, Cayugas, and Pekins.

Maddie and I visited the pond yesterday afternoon when chores were done.
I wanted to check on the ducklings.
Eight ducklings remain (one lost to a predator, I assume.)

While I sat by the pond watching the ducks,
Maddie went in for a swim.

Newfies are water dogs and much more at home in the water than they are on land.
Being 140+ pounds, Maddie has some arthritis issues that limit her land-based activities.
Swimming, on the other hand, is great exercise for her.

She glides, weightless and effortless, through the water...
no stress on her joints.

And even though the water in the pond leave much to be desired (stinky duck poo!),
I don't discourage Maddie from this activity.

She loves swimming...
unlike Oakley, the only (part) labrador I know that can't swim!

She is very courteous of the ducks and stays her distance.

Once out of the pond, a giant "shake" ensues...
covering everything in a 10 foot radius with a shower.

I have to say, Newfies are my favorite breed of dog, ever.
They are loyal and gentle and sweet natured.
They are just enormous fluff balls of love (and drool!)

Sweet, sweet Maddie!

PS....look who's sitting on another nest of eggs!

Oh my, looks like we will have another batch of ducklings very soon....
hopefully a few little white Pekins will be in that batch.

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