Tiny Miracles

Tiny Miracles

Early this weekend during AM chores, I headed to the pond to put feed out for the ducks.

Upon entering the duck hut, I saw Mrs. Duckles on her nest.
She was hissing at me.

I looked a bit closer....

she wasn't alone,
no, there were several just hatched ducklings there in the corner with her.

"How many?", I wondered.

Hard to count, but looked like quite a few.

On my next visit to the pond, she was leading her little brood down to the water's edge.

Looks like six ducklings...

Then later that same day
there were more...
and more....

18 new baby ducks had hatched to old Mrs. Duckles.

And what a good Mama she is.
She taught them to swim.

She taught them to get out of the pond...
at the steepest bank she could find.

I had to video their first try.
(Oh, how I wish I could pick up each one and snuzzle it!)
I am in love!

So many attempts....
halfway out, and then falling back into the pond....

Awwwwwww, so very cute.
The next lesson was how to forage for food...
grass, bugs....
a lesson in survival.

Later in the weekend, 18 ducks remained.
They had made it through a couple of nights.

So, in one day's time we doubled the size of our duck population.
I can't tell you how excited Hubbs and I have been to watch these tiny ducklings
and their Mama.
They scurry all over the pond, following their Mama everywhere...
little tiny miraculous balls of fluff.

They won't allow us to get to close, and I suppose this is a good thing.
A wariness about other creatures may help them to survive better
in our pond at the edge of the woods.

What an amazing miracle life is.
And we are so very fortunate to witness this throughout the year.
Life on the farm.....full of tiny miracles!

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