Meowing Monday with Artemisia

Meowing Monday with Artemisia

Socks didn't feel like doing a Mancat Monday post so he offered to let me blog today. Thanks brother cat. I likes to play. Like Charybdis I will even play by myself and I like lots of the same toys she liked. For instance the rattly yarn ball. I loves to chase it just like she did. Scylla doesn't like to play by herself. She will only play IF someone or some cat is playing with her. Socks doesn't play very often. He likes to play with this ball though and he has been playing with me a very little bit.

This is one of my favourite toys. Mommy is very glad I like it because none of the other cats do. Even Charybdis didn't play with it, and she played with practically everything.

I am gonna get that ball out of there one day.

Daddy is playing with me and Scylla.

Scylla broke the Cat Quest. Daddy is going to try to fix it. I missed out on the product review of it, but I enthusiastically give it 4 paws. I am so small Mommy & Daddy are sure I would not break it. Scylla (who weighed in at 14# our last vet visit) leaped up and snagged it. She weighs so much that the wand snapped when she came back down.

One day I hope me and Scylla can play together. She loved to play with Charybdis.

The mom says that I am fitting in even better then she had hoped. It is hard to imagine that prior to December 25th I was skittish about being petted. I love to be petted and brushed now and I even fell asleep in Mommy's lap. I come when she calls me and you would never know I spent the first 6 months of my life outside cause I LOVE IT inside. I haven't been outside here yet, Socks & Scylla say it is very nice but I don't really care to find out for myself. Scylla doesn't hiss and growl as much and we all seem to get along reasonably well. We aren't a family yet, but we are getting there.

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