Mancat Monday ~ Socks

Mancat Monday ~ Socks

 This is Youngest Boy Bean's bed. I like sleeping in it, and don't you think Sky Blue shows off my furs nicely?
 I saw this big white bird down at the pond. The Mom thinks it is an Egret or maybe a Mississippi Sandhill Crane. She doesn't know how to tell them apart.
It was looking for fish.
 I don't think it found any though.
 Mommy scared it away with the flashy thing.

I can't believe she was quick enough to catch it in flight.

 Here is a picture of Daddy hard at work on the Hummingbird Cottage.
I think I am going to go snooze in the Butterfly Garden now.

- Sibling Saturday
Scylla likes to sleep on Youngest Boy Bean's desk.  I prefer to snooze in the Hummingbird Cottage during the day.  And outside the Scylla Palace at night. The  Kitty Speed Bump from Catpods is  a purrfect foot rest. Scylla won...

- Fenris Friday
 A gardening dog has many responsibilities. You has to check to make sure the soil has enough fertilizer.  You also has to make sure the humans treat the septic system properly.  I thinks you has too much chlorine in the septic system Mom....

- Wildlife & Wildflowers
 The Candlebush attracts lots of wildlife.  There are a lot of wildflowers growing in our pond.  Daddy left this mound of dirt when he built the Hummingbird Cottage, he was going to move it but before he could these purrty wildflowers...

- Mancat Monday
Youngest Boy Bean got a new bedspread for his room. He is going to take the old blue one he was using to university with him as it will fit an X-Long Twin bed which they have in the dorm rooms. This is a regular size twin bed so it was easier to find...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Our Confederate Rose. We loves the pretty pink color.  The Lily Pads and some Wildflowers growing in the pond.  Fenris is looking for interesting Wildflowers for us.  The Sniffie Rose  One of the beds at the Hummingbird Cottage...

