Mancat Monday ~ Socks

Mancat Monday ~ Socks

We are very late posting this, ahem good help is so hard to find. First thank you ever so much Cats of Wildcat Woods. See way back on June 24th, Chica celebrated her 19th birthday. They had prizes for kitties that answered some quizzes. We collaborated amongst ourselves and answered Quiz #2. How old was the world's oldest cat? 34 years, 2 months and 4 hours old.

We got the question right and this package came in the mail for us. It was decided that as I am the senior cat in this household I should get to open it, and the help claims that my unwillingness to cooperate is the reason for the delay in posting.

Just look at all the pawsome stuff they sent. And aren't the raccoons on the card adorable?

Hey Mom, how about giving me some of those treats?

Now I thinks I will nap in the cube.

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