Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving 
from all of us
to all of you!

Today we are counting our blessings.
Our blessings are many.

We are thankful for our family and friends,

for this beautiful farm that we enjoy
day after day,

for our beloved log farmhouse,

and all of the critters who call this place

This year brought the blessing of new life....
our first grandson.

When I asked the critters what they are thankful for....

The "Bigs" answered....

The "Littles" answered....

The chickens answered...

The goats answered....

The turkeys answered....
"Not being eaten for dinner!"

Thank you, friends, for making our little part of the world....
A part of your world.

We are blessed by your friendship,
your kindness and support,
your comments,
your emails,

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