Mancat Monday ~ Socks Cubed

Mancat Monday ~ Socks Cubed

I likes to sleep in the red cube.

Now that I am awake we can go look at the flowers in the front flower bed. Mommy says we needs a better name for it. Any ideas?

 Angel Trumpet (Pink)
 Pineapple Sage, It is gorgeous once it starts blooming. It blooms in the fall.

 Angel Trumpet (yellow)

- Wildflower Wednesday
The Goldenrod is lovely in the fall. Especially mixed with Ironweed. Ginger Lilies. We love these wildflowers. Mommy calls them Black-eyed Susans. These are cute too, we do not know their name. Mommy thinks they are probably in the aster family. The...

- Wordy Wednesday
 Our yellow Angel Trumpet is doing pawsomce. The pink one hasn't bloomed this year, and we don't even have a Devil's Trumpet this year. This is how you tells Angel & Devil Trumpets apart. Angel Trumpets point down and have green stems....

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Buttercup, still blooming up a storm.  The pink Angel Trumpet. We rooted the yellow one.  The Pineapple Sage. Hummingbirds and Butterflies love it.  Purple Heart. Several of our friends were surprised that we have orchids growing...

- Thursday In The Garden
 We sent Fenris to look for Spring for us as we didn't want to get our paws muddy.  The geese are here, we thinks they bring Spring with them.  Especially as March 5th a goose started sitting on a nest.      This...

- Flowers On Friday
This is the front flowerbed, it is a riot of pink Angel Trumpets, red Cuphea (KYOO-fee-uh) and yellow Buttercups. Doesn't the Angel Trumpet look huge in this picture? Our Cypress Vine, we are kinda disappointed we hoped it would climb up the bird...

