Wordy Wednesday

Wordy Wednesday

 Our yellow Angel Trumpet is doing pawsomce. The pink one hasn't bloomed this year, and we don't even have a Devil's Trumpet this year. This is how you tells Angel & Devil Trumpets apart. Angel Trumpets point down and have green stems. Devil's Trumpets point up and have black stems.

 We still have some zinnias blooming in this bed too. For some reason some of the pineapple sage died.

We just love the red zinnias. ~AFSS

- Wildflower Wednesday
The Goldenrod is lovely in the fall. Especially mixed with Ironweed. Ginger Lilies. We love these wildflowers. Mommy calls them Black-eyed Susans. These are cute too, we do not know their name. Mommy thinks they are probably in the aster family. The...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Devil's Trumpet is fixing to bloom. AKA Datura stramonium Mommy has it in a pot with some Angel Trumpets, aka Brugmansia arborea so it confused some people last time we posted about it. The Butterflyweed is doing nicely. The Whirling Butterflies...

- Scylla Sunday
 Purple is my favorite color so I thoughts I would share the Purple Devil's Trumpet with you. It is safe in the garage now we had a frost a few nights ago. Daddy hasn't put the Greenhouse back together yet. Once he does me and Mommy will...

- Scylla Sunday
 I thought I would show you the flowers up at the house. These have really taken off. They are in a planter that looks like a hollow log.  Three different colored Angel Trumpets planted in the same pot. We kinda think the company that sold them...

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks Cubed
I likes to sleep in the red cube. Now that I am awake we can go look at the flowers in the front flower bed. Mommy says we needs a better name for it. Any ideas?  Angel Trumpet (Pink) Pineapple Sage, It is gorgeous once it starts blooming....

