Mancat Monday - Updated

Mancat Monday - Updated

I will be going to the vet tomorrow to have my blood work done. They wants to make sure that my thyroid is being controlled by the y/d foods and that I am still producing blood cells like I am suppose to after getting off the steroids. I sure have enjoyed not having to take medicine. Depending on my blood work I may be getting vaccinations too.

Today I am just going to play with my toys and relax. ~Socks reporting for ATCAD

UPDATE - Mommy tricked me and took me today. I got a good report all my blood looks GOOD!!!!

- Scylla And Yang The Movie
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- Socks Saturday Sharing
My world has shrunk, I has the jungle gym to sit on. Or I has the porch. I am not amused. On the other hand my blood work was good so they said I could reduce the steroids. I now only have to take one steroid in the morning and one in the evening plus...

- Making Dreams Come True .............................
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- Mancat Monday
The Glads are blooming, they always make us GLAD. The Coral Bean looks GREAT, so glad Mommy gotted one for us. Me, well the vet stole my bloods and did some test and I has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The only symptom I had was increased appetite...

