Scylla and Yang the Movie

Scylla and Yang the Movie

Socks said I could do Mancat Monday today so I thought I would show you a video of me and Scylla playing.

Some of you know Socks had his teeth cleaned. He did well. He had a small bump on his head but that was just a fluid filled cyst thank Cod. He also had his blood work done and we are pleased to announce everything was normal, even his thyroid. ~Yang, reporting for ATCAD

- Mancat Monday
Yang's tail is firmly wrapped around the toy to prevent it from getting away.  Do any of you use your tails to subdue toys/siblings? Socks is napping with Chimera. We all take turns kitten sitting her. Although we thinks Socks is sleeping on...

- Scylla Sunday
Here I am sleeping in my chair. This is kinda like having bunk beds cause Socks has the lower bunk floor. While sometimes I appear to be a curmudgeon, the truth is I like having my family around. I don't like to be alone. Now it is time to play hide-n-seek...

- Happy New Year's Eve
Hard to imagine another year has gone by. Arty Mouse is still missing, we all miss her a great deal. Two young kittens have been added to our clowder (Yin and Yang) and we are all a year older. Hope you and yours have a wonderful New Year. ~Socks, reporting...

- Tuiren Tuesday
 Well I has to say I am not to happy with 2015, rumor has it I has to have my teeth cleaned. I do not think I will like this.  Don't look to pleased with yourself Scylla you has to go for a check up.  I heard Mommy saying that we can...

- Mancat Monday
The Glads are blooming, they always make us GLAD. The Coral Bean looks GREAT, so glad Mommy gotted one for us. Me, well the vet stole my bloods and did some test and I has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The only symptom I had was increased appetite...

