Mancat Monday (Flashback 2014)

Mancat Monday (Flashback 2014)

This is my favorite toy, I love it.

Tuiren and I have always gotten along well. She is a very calm doggie.

I like hanging out with her and Mom.

She loves to be with Mommy.

She has lots of stories from when she was running around exploring the woods.

I likes to sleep on the warm rocks.

And I likes to climb on the Jungle Gym.

There is a mockingbird nest in this tree.  It is in the back yard with the doggies.

Tuiren can get in the Jungle Gym too, I am not sure I like this.

When Daddy was building the porch I helped him. This is right after I had to spend time at Medvet because of my thyroid/anemia.

As you can see I was missing lots of my furs.

I am so happy they all grew back.

Mommy loves this picture of me. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

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