Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

Me and Socks are enjoying the backyard. Socks spends a lot of time sniffing out the yard.

I prefer the roof of the Jungle Gym, no doggie smells up here.

You can see a lot from up here.

Mommy is sitting on the porch.

Socks is walking in the yard.

I decided to come sit by Mommy.

I am not amused that SHE let the doggies come sit on the porch with us.

She does know they can get up here right?

And guess what from here I can spy on Daddy.

He is putting the tag on the truck. He was not amused we were spying on him.

Mommy was reading.

Socks decided to come sit on the porch with everyone else. ~Scylla reporting for ATCAD

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- Scylla Sunday
 Socks and I our spending time in the CATS jungle gym. Hear that Fenris it belongs to us cats no DOGS allowed. Isn't the Rye Grass pretty and green. We just love it. Mommy says the only problem is Daddy didn't plant enough of it, she would...

