Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 I like to sleep beneath the keyboard except when the Mom is playing it, she needs lots more practice preferably when no one is home to hear her lame attempts.

When she is practicing I likes to sleep in the Family Room with Yin and Yang. We share the blue blanket nicely but Chimera has pretty much taken it over. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

- Sibling Sunday
The blue blanket is MINE. I took it from Mommy. Sometimes I will share it with Yin. In return Yin and Yang share their food with ME. ~Chimera, reporting for ATCAD ...

- Scylla Sunday
 I have been playing with Yin and Yang, boy was Daddy wrong about me not wanting other cats. I love having kittens. Guess what Santa brought me for Christmas. He brought me another kitten. She looks like a tee tiny version of ME. The humans named...

- Scylla Sunday With A Guest (yang)
To everyone's surprise I am rather fond of Yang. We play together a little, we sleep near each other and I generally like the cheeky fellow. When I get tired of  his brashness, I go outside. And since he is such a ham, he CAN DO the SELFIE. I...

- Inside Trouble
Mommy had forgotten how much trouble kittens are until we came along to remind her. First we got up on the crate, we quickly learned to get on the half wall from here and jump out of confinement. Mommy moved the crate but we still figured out daredevil...

- We Don't Like Cold Weather By Scylla & Charybdis
We don't like cold weather at all. It got down in the 60's here Monday. Mommy said Scylla was very naughty cause she stole Mommy's blanket. The blanket is nice and soft, it's perfect for us to wrap up in but our mean Mommy won't...

