Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 I have been playing with Yin and Yang, boy was Daddy wrong about me not wanting other cats. I love having kittens. Guess what Santa brought me for Christmas. He brought me another kitten. She looks like a tee tiny version of ME. The humans named her Chimera. So now there is an S&C in the house again.

 I enjoyed having a tree too, it was wonderful watching Yin whap the ornaments and listening to the humans yell at her. Why I have Yin and Yang so well trained at misbehaving I can be a VERY GOOD GIRL NOW.  I gets all the FUN and none of the TROUBLE.

They even hiss and growl at Chimera for ME. ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

PeeS: Someone asked if Yang plays with Chimera, I am sure he will one day as he plays with everyone, but she is still to little to play with any of us. She does have one eye open paws crossed the other opens soon.

- Happy Valentines Day
We want to wish all our friends a Happy Valentines Day! Fenris made a special card for his girl, Sagira. Scylla got all mushy when she was making Brian's card. Socks' card for Samantha is full of romance. And Tuiren is head over paws in LOVE with...

- Fenris Friday
 I actually am getting to do a post. I went introduced myself to Chimera. She is very friendly, we touched noses and then she tried to play with my tail. Yang and Youngest Boy were being silly. Yang likes to climb all over him. ~Fenris, reporting...

- Scylla Sunday With A Guest (yang)
To everyone's surprise I am rather fond of Yang. We play together a little, we sleep near each other and I generally like the cheeky fellow. When I get tired of  his brashness, I go outside. And since he is such a ham, he CAN DO the SELFIE. I...

- Mancat Monday
 Guess who is in the Hummingbird Cottage, yep the Yoga Kittens. I had to come keep an eye on them cause Mommy isn't very good at watching kittens. I mean she is the one who exhibited the poor judgement and brought them out here where all sorts...

- Socks Meows "we Didn't Mean We Wanted More Cats"
Everybuddy knows tomorrow is Mo Cats Day on the Internets. We meowed at Mommy that we wanted to participate. We did not mean we wanted Mo Cats here!!!!!!! But just look what happened............................................ We are fostering the Yoga...

