Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

I am doing a rather LONG post today, so I asked Scylla to provide some assistance as she is part of the story. When last Scylla went to the Vet for her annual checkup, she broke the old gray carrier, which is so old even Whiskers used it.  They had to duck tape the door shut to make sure Scylla could safely be transported home after checking her for injuries. It was TOTALLY Scylla and the Mom's fault. Anyway we needed a new carrier so we headed over to Nip and Bones owned by our good friend Baby Patches.

As you can see we found the ideal carrier and it is such a pretty color. And Baby Patches sent us a lovely mousie and some nip.

Scylla was the first to check it out after Mommy got it assembled. Mommy had a bit of trouble assembling it, but the fact that it is assembled correctly by the Mom speaks to it's ease. She is usually pretty hopeless as putting things together.

As soon as Scylla got through looking at it, I checked it out.

It looked like the purrfect spot for a nap to me.

I headed in, the floor has a nice soft mat on it that can be removed for washing if needed. Took a few slaps at the mouse. I love playing with them and then...........

SHE came back. Scylla pounced on the carrier.

I vacated the carrier fast to get away from the MONSTER.

As soon as she was gone I returned to my lair.

I took a few food breaks and potty breaks but for most of the day I stayed inside my NEW MAN CAVE.

This is my carrier, Scylla can not have it.

It has flaps that you can open for ventilation and to see out. I prefer privacy so Mommy just has the back flap opened for me.

It also has an opening in the top where you can reach in and pet your cat for reassurance. And there is a way to tether you cat. The tether is inside the nice zipper part for storing stuff right now as we don't need it. Mommy says the zipper part will also be handy for keeping her wallet and she will not have to worry with taking her purse to the vet. The link to put the tether on is under the mat, so you can't see it. And the door rolls up nicely when you wants to use it for a Man Cave.

Scylla kept coming to pester me.

The girl really learns to take NO for an answer.

She finally got the hint that I did not want to play and was very happy inside my new Man Cave. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

PeeS: We still needs a new carrier as this is NOT A CARRIER it is a MAN CAVE.

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