Scylla's & Charybdis' very bad day as told by Scylla

Scylla's & Charybdis' very bad day as told by Scylla

July Kittens
It actually started Thursday night when Mommy took the food and water bowels away. We like to snack on dry cat food all night till Mommy & Daddy get up. It continued Friday morning when Mommy didn't give us our breakfast. Then they got the carrier down, we tried to run away because whenever they put us in the carrier we are taken to a bad place where we are given shots, but they caught us. Mommy left us at the bad place, she has NEVER done that before.

When Mommy& Daddy came to get us we were so sleepy we could barely crawl from the carrier into their laps. They held us for a long time. We eventually got where we could walk and we went used our litter box (because we are very good girls and don't make messes) and ate some food. Mommy gave us some fish which we really like. Then Mommy laid down on the couch and we slept in her lap most of the time. Charybdis kept trying to go on a walk about even though she could barely hold her eyes open. I (Scylla) decided to enjoy sleeping in Mommy's lap, it was just too much trouble to get up.

We feel much better this morning. Mommy posted some pictures of us that you can watch. In one she said I was a VERY BAD Girl cause I got on top of her car. She doesn't usually park it in the garage for me to sit on. Later in the month when she has time she will post the picture of me sitting on Daddy's bike. She told me I was going to get in BAD trouble for that but I don't believe her. I think being a biker cat would be cool.

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