Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

I am taking things easy, just relaxing and enjoying the day.

I goes to get my bloodwork done tomorrow.

Don't tell Scylla but she is coming too for her annual checkup and shots.

Who wants to come enjoy the day with me? Samantha dear, I hopes you can come over. ~Socks reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Frakenfenny Friday
 I had this small bump on my head. Really I tried to tell Mommy that it wasn't anything, I was fine yada yada, you would have thought that considering she took Tuiren (stick out of jaw), Socks (bloodwork) and Scylla (semi-annual checkup) in just...

- Tabby Tuesday
Mancat Monday got co-opted by the Highland Games so Tuiren said I could post today. I am just taking things easy and waiting for it to warm up outside. I don't like the cold weather. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD ...

- Happy Valentines!!!!!
Since we are going to the Queen of Hearts Dance tomorrow we are going to wish everyone a Happy Valentines a day early. We hopes that is OK. We has special Valentines for our "special friends". Fenris wants to make sure Sagira knows he will never forget...

- Mister Who Update
He got a good report from the veterinarian.  Where the pins are isn't draining much (that is GOOD), so his bandage only has to be changed once a week. Mommy will take him back next Monday so they can change it again and they will probably take...

- Scylla Sunday
 Thursday Mommy took me and Socks to the Vet. Me for my annual shots and Socks for his semi annual wellness checkup. we both hid from her, but somehow she found us. I don't know how she does it, she must have extra special cat finding abilities...

