Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 Thursday Mommy took me and Socks to the Vet. Me for my annual shots and Socks for his semi annual wellness checkup. we both hid from her, but somehow she found us.

I don't know how she does it, she must have extra special cat finding abilities or something. Maybe she is a mutant that can see through walls. Any ideas on how we can out smart her next time? I has six whole months to practice hiding from the Mommy Witch.

I am hissed off according to the vet I am overweight and needs to get more exercise. I weighs 16#, I also has a dull coat. Mommy says we has to work on these things before my next visit. ~Scylla

- Tuiren Tuesday
Fenris, will be going to get his flu shot Thursday. They were out when he went for his annual shots due to the outbreak of Canine Influenza in Chicago.  Now that they have it in, he has an appointment to go get it. Guess I will miss my walk as Mommy...

- Frakenfenny Friday
 I had this small bump on my head. Really I tried to tell Mommy that it wasn't anything, I was fine yada yada, you would have thought that considering she took Tuiren (stick out of jaw), Socks (bloodwork) and Scylla (semi-annual checkup) in just...

- Mancat Monday
I am taking things easy, just relaxing and enjoying the day. I goes to get my bloodwork done tomorrow. Don't tell Scylla but she is coming too for her annual checkup and shots. Who wants to come enjoy the day with me? Samantha dear, I hopes you can...

- Fenris Friday
Me and Socks are sleeping close to each other. He is hogging the Electric Blanket. He told me to KEEP OFF.  He won't let Mommy have it either, she had to make do with the fleece blanket and I had to make do with NO blanket. Do you think that...

- Artemisia
I spent my first day just laying in the carrier enjoying the warmth. Daddy fixed me scrambled eggs for supper cause I didn't know about the canned cat food or dry cat food. The dry cat food didn't smell the same as the cat food I was used...

