Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 Did I really tell Mommy she needed to take more photos of me. Now she is disturbing my slumber.

 And I was having such a nice dream about Samantha too.

I guess I could give Mommy my bedroom eyes for all the lady cats viewing pleasure and my nice spotted belly furs. ~Socks

PS: Mr Who goes to have his bandage changed this afternoon. We will give an update after he gets home from the Veterinarian.  So far he is doing good. He is putting weight on his leg and going to potty outside like he is suppose to. He is eating good and taking his medicine. He doesn't like not being able to play but he has to have restricted activity until his leg can heal. He has to wear a cone to keep him from bothering the stitches. The cone doesn't seem to bother him though, we are glad he seems to be mostly happy. He sure was happy to see his Grandma (Mommy) when she picked him up Friday, and he enjoyed spending  the weekend with Eldest Boy Bean. Youngest Boy Bean is off for Spring Break this week so the rest of us will actually get some attention.

While we don't think Italian Greyhounds are the right breed for Mommy (and Mommy will never rush out to adopt an IG of her own) we do thinks they are cute especially Mr. Who and we do loves him and will take the best care of him we can. He is a part OF OUR FAMILY. We are very upset by the RUDE PEOPLES that told Mommy to get rid of him. He is the right breed for Eldest Boy Bean who choose him. Mommy thoughts the forum she visited was a place to ask for advice about caring for Mr. Who and learning more about the breed and what they needed. Instead she got attacked for not being the purrfect IG owner/Grandma.

- Scylla Sunday
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- Scylla Sunday
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