Synchronized Eating

Synchronized Eating

Today we bring you Synchronized Eating. This is a lot harder then it looks as you must eat at the same pace as your siblings. We tried to get Fenris in on the act but he eats so slow we were afraid we would die of starvation. Can you believe he eats ONE nibble at a time and actually chews his food. Us cats just gobble down as many nibbles in one mouthful as we can. But then we don't let our food sit in the bowl hoping the Mom will feed us by hand either. Jeez that would take all day. ~Artemisia, Socks & Scylla

- Mancat Monday
Mexican Petunias in bloom they likes it when we get a lot of rain. They like wet feet. Ginger Lilies, they smell divine. The Rosemary is thriving, don't know if you can tell but it has little blue blooms on it. And what you have been waiting for ME,...

- Eukanuba 28 Day Challenge Week 1 ~ Fenris With Help From Scylla
(Fenris) I was outside when someone drove up with a package for us. I barked real LOUD to let the parents know someone was outside. (Scylla) Daddy came in carrying a big box. I of course had to check it out. It had dog food in it. Mommy why isn't...

- Tsarina Tuesday ~artemisia
 Mommy insist that I eats the most. She says I eats more the Fenris and the beans call me PigMouse. I thinks this is rude.  I isn't fat, I is fluffy. See even my tail is more fluffy then Scylla's and Socks' tails.  And I certainly...

- 50-50 And Turtles
Nikita and Elvira picked a winner for their contest. You simply must read the cute story they created about picking the winner Soups On! Announcing Summer Travel Stories, and Tips Contest Winner, and yes it did drive us nuts with suspense as we were one...

- Tomorrow Is Ayla's Birthday
We got this cool award from Ayla & Iza. Look it even has butterflies on it. Let's see we thinks we are suppose to tell you 9 things about us cats. Artemisia keeps getting leaves in her tail.We all likes dog food and will eat out of Fenris bowl,...

