Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 I am hanging out in the Hummingbird Cottage with my sisters.

 and the Mom, this is what I think of her picture taking.

 OK, I'll pose for ONE picture, are you happy now?

 I likes to sit in the shade where it is cool.

 Scylla is looking for lizards.

She is aggravated cause she can't catch any.

Arty is soaking up some rays.

I hopes all of you have a Marvelous Monday. ~Socks

- Mancat Monday
Happy Labor Day everyone. The Hummingbird Cottage is one of my favorite spots to hang out. There are tons of lizards here to chase. And interesting birds, butterflies and moths flitting around. And today I has a special visitor.............................

- (mia) Tsarina Tuesday
Arty loved posing for the camera and usually spent her day with Mommy so Mommy has more pictures of HER then of anyone else. So even though Arty is still MIA we can continue Tsarina Tuesdays for awhile, but she better hurry up and get her butt home before...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 The Mom finally got a picture of me in the Butterfly Chair. She has been wanting to do this forever and I finally obliged her. I don't know what the big deal is.  Of course I look pretty sitting up here, I always look pretty.  I likes...

- Tsarina Tuesday
Our Grandma (that I used to live with) is having reconstructive surgery on her shoulder today please purr for her.  I am going to look real purrty so she can see what a healthy happy girl I am when she sees my picture.  Now that I have fulfilled...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I am enjoying being outside again. This fall weather is wonderful.  OK, I posed long enough Mommy, I wants to explore now.  Wanna you mean I has to pose for one more picture.  OK, Hurry up! Modeling is hard work and I wants to play....

