Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

 The Mom finally got a picture of me in the Butterfly Chair. She has been wanting to do this forever and I finally obliged her. I don't know what the big deal is.

 Of course I look pretty sitting up here, I always look pretty.

 I likes to pose for Mommy. I is a glamorous actress after all.

 Sometimes brothers get in your way.

 And sometimes they distract you.

 But most of the time I keeps my mind on the photo session and do a good job posing.

 I am going for a rear view pose in this session.

 Had to adjust my head a little I was looking down to much in the first one. This shot is purrfect.

 Now for a profile view.

And now looking directly at the camera. I hopes you enjoyed basking in my beauty and enjoyed the photo shoot. We won't be commenting today, Mommy is exhausted after attending cooking school last night. You would think they made her create a gourmet meal or something. And it seems they are taking her on a tour today.  ~Arty Mouse

- (mia) Tsarina Tuesday
Arty loved posing for the camera and usually spent her day with Mommy so Mommy has more pictures of HER then of anyone else. So even though Arty is still MIA we can continue Tsarina Tuesdays for awhile, but she better hurry up and get her butt home before...

- (mia) Tsarina Tuesday
I likes to look out the door and spy on Fenris. The sunshines make it hard for Mommy to take a picture though. I looks kinda washed out in this one. And I don't show up very well in this one. I also likes to play with me sister. We play Thundering...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I am enjoying being outside again. This fall weather is wonderful.  OK, I posed long enough Mommy, I wants to explore now.  Wanna you mean I has to pose for one more picture.  OK, Hurry up! Modeling is hard work and I wants to play....

- Fenris Friday
 Mommy says this is a Glamor Shot of me and Arty Mouse, whatever that is. For once Arty stayed put when Mommy grabbed the flashy beast.  Here we are in black and white.  As you can tell Mommy really liked this pose. Somebody moved before...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I won this pawsome prize at KC's Cinco de Mayo Party. I just love the cute bowls. Mommy says we can use them for special occassions like our purrdays, gotcha days and when we needs a pick me up cause we don't feel good. She said that sometimes...

