Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 Well Thursday was REALLY nice. Me and Mom spent time outside gardening, she got all the flowerbeds around the Hummingbird Cottage weeded, fertilized and ant poison put out.  We had a lovely day. She even had time to sit in the chair and pet me.

Good thing cause Friday it poured down rain all day and there were tornadoes in the vicinity.  So I'll be waiting for the nice weather to come back before I goes out again.  ~Socks

- Tuiren Tuesday
 I am feeling OK. Me and Fenris spent some time in the Hummingbird Cottage while Mommy was weeding the flowerbeds.  I thinks it is a neat place to hang out.  You can see the pond from here.  When Mommy got through weeding the Hummingbird...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Well March 1 was really nice Mommy did some much needed gardening. The flower beds around the Hummingbird Cottage were weeded, ant poison was put out and Mommy planted some stuff. She planted one of the Gold Flame Honeysuckle Vines she rooted in...

- Thursday In The Garden By Scylla
 I asked to do the gardening report today. Daddy has the greenhouse put back together and Mommy has the stuffs put back in here that stays in here for the winter.  The Blue Daze is still looking pawsome.  I thought I would show you how...

- Scylla Sunday
 I have decided to lend a paw with the gardening. There is a lot to do so Mommy can use the help of all of us.  I am waiting for Mommy to tell me what she needs done.  She said it would be nice if someone smashed the ants that have invaded...

- Tsarina Tuesday
I am the chief gardening cat around here. I am trying to decide what should go in this bed, besides me of course. I thinks I look purrfect here, don't you? I am thinking honeysuckle and Gaura would look nice in here. Our single specimen survived the...

