Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

I am the chief gardening cat around here. I am trying to decide what should go in this bed, besides me of course. I thinks I look purrfect here, don't you? I am thinking honeysuckle and Gaura would look nice in here. Our single specimen survived the winter nicely.

Now that I have performed my gardening duties I thinks I shall go fishing.

The pond has some nice size fish in it.

You has to be careful going down the bank. You don't want to make a big splash and scare the fish away.

This bush is also a good place to hide.
 Nobody can see me when I am hidden in there.

Guess I better go see if Mommy needs more help with the weeding. She tends to slack off when I am not around to snoopervise.  Beans are so unreliable sometimes.

The oak tree is nice and shady and makes a good place to snoopervise unseen. Unfortunately the Mom seems to need a bit of prodding to get back to work so I'll have to go meow at her.

Daddy is dong a good job on the Hummingbird Cottage. He is working on the floor now.


- Scylla Sunday
Mommy will never find me!!!!! It's too cold to go outside so I am going to hide in my nice warm spot. Blast it she found me, but there is some stuffs for me to explore so I guess it is OK. I like noising around in Daddy's trailer. It also makes...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 It is very important for a lady cat to look glamorous no matter what she is doing. Even though I am a hardworking gardening kitty I strive to look my best at all times.  This means sometimes I has to stop working so hard and relax. It is hard...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I have been getting the garden ready for the Flower Show. I hopes you are planning to come to it. Not only will you get to see our flowers but our friends have sent some wonderful flowers for the show. Our Gardenia is in full bloom it smells heavenly....

- Tsarina Tuesday
 Silly Mommy thinks Daddy built the Hummingbird Cottage for her. Me and Socks know the truth Daddy built it for me and I am nice enough to share it with everyone else.  The beds are purrfect for taking a dust bath in.  And they make a pawsome...

- Silly Saturday By Artemisia
 Me and Scylla are playing chase. The cooler Fall weather has us feeling frisky.  I am stalking a bug.  Now it is time for a nice wiggle on the rocks. They are nice and warm from the sun.  Guess I'll get a drink of water before...

