Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

Arty says I has to answer these questions before I can eat.

Do you think you’re hot?
Er, no I am an elderly mancat I thinks I am cuddly and sweet. And I has enough brains not to run around like Artemisia when it is hot out and I knows to sit in the shade when it is hot out, so I stay plenty cool. If it get to hot outside I come in and sits under the AC so I guess you could say I am smart.

We all use the same Charybdis wallpaper.

When was the last time you ate chicken meat?
Whenever Mommy last cooked it. Mommy has promised us BEAVER Stew soon, I wonder if it taste like Chicken.

The song(s) you’ve listened to most recently?
Well for some reason Mommy keeps listening to The Ballad Of Davy Crockett, it is annoying really but she thinks he would solve our beaver problem in a jiffy.
Come solve our beaver problem Mr. Crockett

What were you thinking when you were doing this?
That I wouldn't want to get on Mommy's bad side.

Do you have any nicknames?
Uh-huh they calls me Kitty, Sockie-Pooh, Pooh, Ninja Cat and Daddy whistles a song just for me.

I is suppose to tag 8 people but I thinks my siblings have done enough tagging. I'll just tag my girlfriend MoMo and anyone else who wants to play.

I love U MoMo. ~Socks

PS: I is called Ninja Cat for my ability to materialize out of nowhere.

- Fenris Friday
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- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
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- Davy Crockett
Davy Crockett, the celebrated hero, warrior and backwoods statesman, was born August 17, 1786 in a small cabin on the banks of the romantic Nolichucky River, near the mouth of Limestone Creek, which today lies about three and a half miles off 11-E...

