Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

I likes to sleep on Daddy's Joe Rocket suit. He has to wear it when it is cold out to stay warm on his bike, which he has to ride now rain, sunshine, sleet or snow as the eldest boy bean has his truck at college. Daddy is happy that eldest boy bean is home for Christmas break cause now he can drive his truck to work instead of the bike.

I likes to sleep on Daddy's desk too. Do you see the neat new toy we won in the PET POSTCARD PROJECT.

It is very fun to play with.

Even Fenris likes chasing the red dot.

- Peeps On Parade
Sarge ask us to tell something about our peeps so I talked Mommy into helping me with a post. Since I have a picture of me with Dad I'll start with him. Dad is an engineer and he works on Aegis Cruisers. He and Mom were both born in Meridian, MS ...

- Scylla Sunday
 When it is cold I likes to stay inside and sleep in Eldest Boy Bean's bed with Socks. Do any of you want to come join us? A kitty pile is just the thing to stay warm on a cold winter day. Well behaved doggies are welcome too.  I enjoyed...

- Scafflaw Week ~ Scylla
The hostess for Scafflaw Week is our dear friend Fin over at Housecat Confidential. I didn't break any rules on day one so we figured Day 2 would be all mine. First off when we were rounded up to go sleep in the garage I hid under Mom & Dad's...

- Twins On Tuesday ~bedtime
I convinced Mommy that I needed to sleep with her. Mommy says I look like a little angel when I am asleep. ~Charybdis Daddy bought me this pawsome bed. It is just the right size. He had to take some things out that go on his feet. Not sure why they...

- Tattle Tail Tuesday By Socks
Scylla is bored inside. She wants someone to play with, but she will not go outside because it is COLD. I don't mind the cold as long as it is sunny. She is asking me to come in and play with her, but I have lots to do. I have to patrol our yard...

