Tattle Tail Tuesday by Socks

Tattle Tail Tuesday by Socks

Scylla is bored inside. She wants someone to play with, but she will not go outside because it is COLD. I don't mind the cold as long as it is sunny.

She is asking me to come in and play with her, but I have lots to do. I have to patrol our yard and check on the progress of the fence. Sadly Daddy hasn't made much progress on the fence cause it rained Saturday. He has the gates up...................but that's it, we have post and gates and no more can be done till next weekend when eldest boy bean brings Daddy's truck back.

Scylla you really should come out and help me. You could chase the birds....................

- Mancat Monday ~tuckered Out
I am plumb tuckered out with all the chores we has to do. I don't care what the stupid human calendar says the yard says it is March. We has lots of flowers blooming now that usually wait till then. It is purrty and sunny out and usually in the 70s,...

- Meowing Monday With Artemisia
Socks didn't feel like doing a Mancat Monday post so he offered to let me blog today. Thanks brother cat. I likes to play. Like Charybdis I will even play by myself and I like lots of the same toys she liked. For instance the rattly yarn ball. I...

- Mancat Monday
I likes to sleep on Daddy's Joe Rocket suit. He has to wear it when it is cold out to stay warm on his bike, which he has to ride now rain, sunshine, sleet or snow as the eldest boy bean has his truck at college. Daddy is happy that eldest boy bean...

- Siblings On Sunday/ A Little Bit Of Hissing Going On
Charybdis is confusing, she acts like she wants to play with me but then when I try to she fuzzes up and hisses. Scylla & Socks are friendly enough but they prefer to observe me from a distance and let me know they don't want to play so I don't...

- Bone Chilling
It may look absolutely beautiful outside right now... but like most of the central and eastern portions of the country,it is brutally cold.Bone chilling cold. The kind of cold that blows right through your gear and pierces you with icicles! Off we...

