Mancat Monday & Fenris Update

Mancat Monday & Fenris Update

 I is spending the day in bed with my sister Scylla. Mommy says we are lazy.

 Scylla really knows how to relax.

 Mommy loves my spotted belly furs. I really knows how to relax too.

 Scylla can't get enough of the electric blanket.

 I on the other hand purrfur the flannel sheets.

You know Scylla is awful sweet when she is asleep. Who would guess she is such a demanding critter when she is awake. ~Socks

Fenris is walking on his leg normally and can stand on it today. Mommy had him stand on his hind legs to make sure. Everyone thanks so much for your healing purrs, positive vibes and crossed paws they really HELPED a bunch. 

- Scylla Sunday
 Before Mister came to live here I was getting along with all the doggies. We were all sleeping by Mommy. MOL she had to stand in her chair to get the picture and her big feet got in the picture too. We were making a semi circle around her.  Tuiren...

- Fenris Friday
Me and Socks are sleeping close to each other. He is hogging the Electric Blanket. He told me to KEEP OFF.  He won't let Mommy have it either, she had to make do with the fleece blanket and I had to make do with NO blanket. Do you think that...

- Fenris Friday
 Socks and I are sharing some guy time in the study. He is teaching me how to be STILL!!!! I would rather learn how to climb trees or something. ~Fenris PS: While Mommy still doesn't  know what was wrong with my leg Christmas morning (I...

- Mancat Monday ~ Sharing The Bed With Scylla
 Mommy hasn't made up the bed yet. I am enjoying the nice flannel sheets. I thinks RED shows off my furs nicely and looks like Christmas.  Scylla is on the bed too, but SHE is on the electric blanket.  I is resting up, I saw Daddy get...

- Artemisia
I am practicing my sketching. I am taking a break from my artistic endeavors to play. I like to play with Fenris' Kong Where did it go Mom? We thoughts you would like to know more about me. My real name is Artemisia but Mommy is the only one who calls...

