Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 Before Mister came to live here I was getting along with all the doggies. We were all sleeping by Mommy. MOL she had to stand in her chair to get the picture and her big feet got in the picture too. We were making a semi circle around her.

 Tuiren on the rug like a good doggie.

 Fenris on the carpet, bad doggie. Notice how Fen and Tui both have their paws out, cute huh.

And me (Scylla) under the desk.  ~Scylla

PeeS: Today is Eldest Boy Beans Birthday and we wants to wish him a Happy Birthday, even if he did bring Mister home to torment us. ~Fenris, Socks, Scylla & Tuiren

- Inside Trouble
Mommy had forgotten how much trouble kittens are until we came along to remind her. First we got up on the crate, we quickly learned to get on the half wall from here and jump out of confinement. Mommy moved the crate but we still figured out daredevil...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Fenris, will be going to get his flu shot Thursday. They were out when he went for his annual shots due to the outbreak of Canine Influenza in Chicago.  Now that they have it in, he has an appointment to go get it. Guess I will miss my walk as Mommy...

- Queen Of Hearts Dance
Tuiren and I (Scylla) are waiting for our dates. I am going with my long time boyfriend Brian (from Brian's Home) and Tuiren is being escorted by her new friend Walter (from Bird Brains & Dog Tales) Mommy wanted to get a picture of us girls together....

- Who Dat Wednesday
I likes to copy everything my Uncle Fenris does. I has some neat movies for you to watch. Before I broke my leg I could play with the big doggies. Now I has to be still. I likes to run and jump, I do not likes being still. Grandma says I am being a good...

- Add
We had to add an S at the end of Dog, cause now we has TWO DOGS instead of A DOG. For our new readers, the blog started off as ALASANDRA AND THE CATS, that's right it was just a CAT blog. Then Mommy went and gotted Fenris for her birthday so we had...

