May Day!

May Day!

Up until now, I have been avoiding putting the new donkey girls 
out in the same pasture with the horses.
Yesterday, being the start of a new month (May Day!),
I decided it was time that all of the equines got to know each other.

So, I opened the gate to the front pasture and let the horses out.

Of course they got right down to eating!

Then I opened the donkeys' gate to the front pasture also.

Normally, the girls love to go out,
but this time they were a bit tentative....



keeping their hind legs in their own paddock... just in case!

Eventually, they relaxed and wandered around the pasture...
always together (strength in numbers).

Except for one game of chase (initiated by Donnie Brasco),
all was quiet and uneventful
(just the way we like it!)

Even coming back in for breakfast was uneventful.

They all went out again later in the day for a couple of hours...
once again...

In honor of May Day, I did a bit of gardening.

I added Gerbera daisies and holly hocks to this garden box.
By the time summer gets here, this window should be filled with blooms!

You might remember a couple of months ago,
when Edith decimated last year's fairy garden....

I decided to move the fairy garden into the greenhouse,

and spent yesterday reconstructing it. 

Here it is safe from chickens, cats and turkeys.
And since it is out of the weather, it should make it through next winter, also.

It seems a wee gnome moved into the fairy's house.
I suppose having a giant turkey lay 3 eggs in your front yard is enough to scare off the fairies!

Since moving the fairy garden, the side of the garden shed needed a splash of color.

So, I installed these pot holders and hung some begonias.

Inside the greenhouse I made a potting station.

This old wash tub ($9 at an antique market) holds my potting soil
and gives me a place to pot plants that keeps the soil contained.

And last, but not least, Edith remains missing.
I am keeping my hopes up that she is sitting on her brood.
Time will tell....

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