Garden Magic

Garden Magic

Spring has arrived and once again my garden beckons to me.
I have been preparing my garden boxes and planting some cool weather plants.
Although, if the present weather trend continues,
I'll be able to plant a whole lot more very soon!

For now, though, I have kale...

and onions...

and carrots, radishes, and sugar peas in the ground.
The rhubarb has emerged, seemingly overnight!

Over the past few years, my garden has taken on a bit of a whimsical feel.
With last year's addition of the colorful playhouse and garden shed,
the garden has become quite a magical place, too!

This Spring I had the idea to add a special door.

Oh, you can walk into my garden from either end...through a gate in the fence...
and view the vegetables, fruits and flowers.

But to see the magic, the whimsy, the fairies, gnomes and animals that talk....
why, you must enter through a secret door...


Come and peek through the secret keyhole....

or the magic window....

and you, too, will see the wee folk who tend the garden for me
when I am busy elsewhere.

They sing and march and dance with wild abandon through this garden which is their home.

And, if you happen to stop by the garden at night, you will see the glowing
lights from their nightly revelry.


In just a couple of months, these garden boxes that now stand empty
will be filled with bountiful produce and flowers galore.
I can hardly wait!

As for last year's fairy garden.
I am afraid it has fallen prey to a rather large,
King Kong-like creature who has unleashed it's destructive fury....
pecking, stomping, and rearranging everything beyond recognition.

You naughty bird!

Looks like my fairy garden will need a make-over this year!
Ah well....just another project to add to the list.

(PS...all of the lighting in my garden is solar powered.
And the blue door is a salvaged antique...with wonderful detail
and beveled glass window... a great find!)

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