Artemisia @ Play

Artemisia @ Play

I love to play and I love all the toys that we have here. I am getting along better with Scylla. We actually sleep with each other sometimes. She still gets all hissy & growly when I pounce on her and she doesn't want to play. Socks says I am just like her when she was a kitten and that she used to pester him to play with her all them time. He thinks it is funny that she has ME following her around pouncing on her when she wants to nap and groom. Me and Socks get along great. We has an understanding when he wants to play with me we play and when he wants me to leave him alone I do. Fenris would like to play with all us cats but we are all terrified of him, I mean he is HUGE, but me and Scylla watch him when he is inside. Scylla knocks the gate down sometimes trying to get him in trouble but he never takes the bait and walks over the gate to come after her. Yesterday I didn't realize he was in the kitchen and I followed Socks right in there. Mommy laughed cause when I saw Fenris I turned around and ran out. ~Artemisia

- Mancat Monday
 Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean.  I do NOT APPROVE!!!!!  I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I take my job as Scylla;s personal trainer very seriously. I am trying to get her to come down and play with me but she is being stubborn and insisting on sitting on the desk. I am sure I don't know why she doesn't want to come down and...

- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
Joey tagged our Mommy on Face Book so we thoughts us cats and Fenris would answer on the blog. We aren't tagging anyone but feel free to answer the questions and post them on your blog or in our comments. Three people I love - Mommy Daddy & The...

- Scylla Cubed
Thanks Cats of Wildcat Woods, we are all having lots of fun playing with the cube and the treats were yummy to our tummies. I saw the postman bring the package, but Mommy made us wait for Socks to open it. Mommy attached the new cube to our old one. This...

- Meowing Monday With Artemisia
Socks didn't feel like doing a Mancat Monday post so he offered to let me blog today. Thanks brother cat. I likes to play. Like Charybdis I will even play by myself and I like lots of the same toys she liked. For instance the rattly yarn ball. I...

