

Last week, during "Staycation" I noticed that one of our kids was reading a book
about bringing miracles into your life.
I have been thinking a lot about this subject all week long.

It seems to me that nowadays in this hustle-bustle world in which we live,
that people are  searching for miracles, or magic, or
something "amazing" to bring inspiration to the ebb and flow of everyday life.
Check out the displays in your local bookstore and you will see what I mean.

Unfortunately, this fast-paced, technology-filled life does the opposite for us.
As a society we are distracted.  We are on sensory overload.
No wonder we are searching!

What I truly believe is this....

This world is filled with miracles.
They are all around us.
We need only quiet our minds, open our eyes and ears,
and let our senses be filled with the wonders and magic that this
earth has to share with us.

Is it not a miracle that this tiny bird, 
who weighs the same as a penny,
whose wings flap 40 to 80 times per second,
whose heart beats 1200 beats per minute (while feeding),
will soon leave us and travel thousands of miles to Central America
for the winter, and then turn around in Spring and fly back?
To cross the Gulf of Mexico, 
she will make a grueling 18 hour flight without resting.

That is miraculous!

Each and every day I am lucky enough to witness
the miracles of life around me.
I admit I have the luxury of a slower pace of life than most.
But I also consciously take the time to really be a part of the world around me.

 I would encourage you to take some time.
Quiet your mind.
Use your senses.
Sit quietly in your acreage, or yardage or even footage.
Look, listen, smell....
see what is happening around you.
But don't stop there.
Do a little research about what you see....
dig a little deeper into life and how it unfolds.
I guarantee you will be amazed at the miracles that present themselves to you!

Prepare to be amazed and inspired by the world around you.

- Happy New Year!!
From all of us here on the farm,to all of you who follow our daily "tails"... We wish you all the best in the coming new year. Thanks for taking the time to visit with us each day...sharing the many joys and occasional sorrows that farm life brings....

- An Exercise....
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- Do You Need A Dose?
When is the last time you stood and watched the sun rise or set?Felt the leaves crunch beneath your feet as you walk through the woods?Spent a half of an hour watching a butterfly float from flower to flower?Climbed a tree?Listened to the birds, identifying...

- Birdsongs 101
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- A Moment
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