An Exercise....

An Exercise....

Consider, for a moment, these tall grassy fronds blowing in the Autumn breeze...

Look at the way the sunlight plays with each frond...
turning it into spun platinum,
with sparkling light and shadows against the clear blue sky.
Imagine being asked to paint what you see.
You couldn't paint it without the use of many colors.

And yet, in our mind's eye we so often over-simplify what we see.
We might say that the leaves on a tree are green,
yet it would take a box of many colors to create a life-like representation of them.

Sure, a rose is a rose...
but in taking time to really see it, really smell it, really touch it...
a rose will become much more.
It will become an amazingly magical delicate miracle of nature.

So, my challenge to you is this....

try to take the time to look at the world as if you had to paint it.
Observe how light plays with objects, casting highlights and shadows.
Imagine what colors you would have to add to your palette to bring life to your picture.

I promise you this...
looking at your world in this manner will bring magic to your day.
You will learn to appreciate the simple things more than you can imagine.

And if you are up for just one more challenge....
take a lesson from Ginger and MaryAnn.

Take a moment to lie in the grass.
Feel the cool earth beneath you,
the warmth of the Autumn sun washing over you,
and maybe the cool breeze making the tiny hairs on your skin stand on end.
What do you hear?  What do you smell?  What do you feel?

Why do you think Ginger is smiling?

You see, at the end of it all....
when we draw our last breath and close our eyes for the last time,
I know we will not wish that we had done just one more load of laundry,
or had cleaner floors....


we will wish that we could lie in the grass just one more time and surround
ourselves with the beauty of our world!

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