Happy Birthday Socks ~ In the Garden

Happy Birthday Socks ~ In the Garden

I am 10 years old today.

We thought we would have a Garden Party to celebrate. There are lots of things to do in the Butterfly Garden. Me and Artemisia are playing chase. Please join right in.

I can't wait for MoMo to get here. We will take a romantic stroll around the place when she does.

Artemisia is looking for someone to play hide-n-seek with.

I don't thinks she will find me here.

Well she found me, but she is more interested in playing with the seed pods on the Wisteria then pouncing on me Thank Cat.

She really likes whapping those things.

These young kitties have too much energy sometimes.

And Mouse is a real show off. She does have some pretty good moves though.

Artemisia says I am suppose to tell everyone there is purrday cake, salmon patties, tuna steaks, seafood trays, chicken trays, cheese trays, treats, various bevarages and assorted desserts up at the house for everyone to enjoy.

Also anyone who would like can hang out in the jungle gym with Fenris and Scylla. Don't worry the second and third floors are cat only. Doggies can hang out on the first floor, the basement that Fenris so thoughtfully dug under it, and the sandbox. Mommy will serve ice-cream, catmint tea and nipade ( a combination of catnip, lemons and limes) to any kitties who are out there.

You can also visit the greenhouse if you would like. It only has a roof at the moment so we can come and go as we please, and there are lots of lizards in there to chase. Fenris is very good at catching lizards. Scylla taught him how.

Thanks for coming by and celebrating my birthday with me. ~Socks

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