More Answers and a Little Cuteness

More Answers and a Little Cuteness

Lynne asked what we do with our 3-4 dozen daily chicken eggs.
We package them up in our own labeled egg cartons, and Hubbs takes them into 
the city to sell to his colleagues.
Of course, we keep enough for our own use, also.  We are quite spoiled...
and will have chickens forever so that we have our own fresh eggs!
Nothing like fresh eggs from pastured hens!

(We have switched to recycled paper cartons since this picture was taken
a few years ago.)

Kathy from Tasmania asked if there was any romance in the future for our two Tom Turkeys,
Tom and Chuck.

These two boys seem to have a very good daily routine.
And for the most part, they get along famously.
At their age (about 5), I hesitate to add anyone new to the mix.
I would like to always have turkeys, and so when these fellows are no longer with us,
I will replace them with a couple males and females.

Mrs.Cravitz had an interest in our garden shed.

We bought this shed to house our garden tools, trug tubs, hoses, etc.
When it arrived, it was gray trimmed with white.
I just love color, so when I added the playhouse to the garden
I painted both structures to match.
(You can see the playhouse up in the upper right hand corner of the garden.)

The flower box beside the garden shed is the home of my Fairy Garden.
I will begin work on rejuvenating Fairyland as soon as the weather is warm enough
to add tiny annuals.
Each of the buckets on the ladder will be filled with flowers as well.

Thanks everyone for the questions...this was great fun for me!

Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon working on cleaning up flower gardens...
removing dead growth in preparation for Spring growth.
When I finished, I took a little rest in the dry lot with the donkey girls.
Daphne had just laid down for a nap...

so I sat next to her.

Meanwhile, Chloe stood over me and nibbled on my clothes.

I cannot tell you how gentle and peaceful these two girls are!

We are quite bonded.
They let me do absolutely anything to them.

If the ground had been dryer, I would have laid down next to Daphne
 and used her for a pillow.
We could have napped together!

I wanted to show you my latest knitting project...
freshly finished.

It is a shawl.
Here it is laid out on a beach towel (being blocked) so you can see the design...
I can hardly wait for it to warm up just a little so I can wear it instead of a jacket or sweater.

Well, believe it or not, another weekend has arrived.
This is my birthday weekend,
so I will be enjoying dinner with my family on Saturday.
I hope your weekend is terrific, too!
We'll talk again on Monday.

- Growing Chickens
I am happy to say that the hens that arrived as just-hatched-chickson April 1st are laying now. Every day I am getting 2 ½ to 3 dozen eggs. Lovely, aren't they?I love an egg carton full of eggs of varied color and size. Hubbs takes our eggs to...

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