Perfection in a Day

Perfection in a Day

Yesterday was the perfect Spring day.
And believe me, after the kind of winter we had...
I appreciate Spring in a whole new way!

Temps reached about 70 with a breeze,
which made it perfect for drying laundry.

The dogs and I spent a great deal of time out of doors.
We finished cleaning the winter-kill out of the garden area.

Annie is getting more and more used to the sights and sounds of the farm.
Yesterday she met the turkeys.

Surprisingly, she was no frightened or particularly interested in them.

She and Sammy are becoming good friends.
(Oakley is still waiting for her to leave.)

After the garden work was finished, 
I put Annie in her room for a nap and the boys and I went out to visit the rest of our friends.

We stopped by to see Ginger and MaryAnn who were also enjoying the temperate weather.

MaryAnn is such a love...
always flopping down to get her share of belly-rubbins!
(while Ginger just keeps on eating!)

Sammy and MaryAnn shared a moment.

While the horses searched for remnants of lunch...

I sat, surrounded by these two...

I finished a few more pickets for my garden gate...

Patty of "alittlecape" asked:  "I do have a question about your roosters and chickens..... every spring the new chicks arrive but you don't seem to have your own?"

Well, make a long story short...

We tried that several years back...allowing one of the hens to sit on her nest.
Unbeknownst to us, that hen switched nests at one point....leaving her incubated eggs for us to 
grab as we gathered eggs to sell.  Imagine the shock when one of our customers
(luckily a friend) cracked an egg and a partially formed chick fell out.
We have nowhere to sequester a broody hen, except the barn....
so we have opted to just order chicks from off the farm each Spring.
That way, all of our eggs go to market with no worries!

- Springtime Delicacies
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- Running With The Big Dogs
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- More Answers And A Little Cuteness
Lynne asked what we do with our 3-4 dozen daily chicken eggs.We package them up in our own labeled egg cartons, and Hubbs takes them into the city to sell to his colleagues.Of course, we keep enough for our own use, also.  We are quite spoiled...and...

- Spring Fever...continued
Although Spring is in the air...winter is still on the ground. Our farm is situated on the north side of a gradual slope,so we retain our snow for the longest time.As I drive through the countryside...I watch the fields emerge from beneath the snow.But...

- Picture Perfect
Yesterday... a day that was nothing short of perfect! With humidity gone, and temperatures in the 70's... I floated through the day like a leaf on a zephyr,kept airborne by Mother Nature's sighs of delight...on a day when storybook clouds filled...

