More Projects for Spring

More Projects for Spring

Each spring we add to our bluebird houses.  We now have about 21 bluebird houses scattered around the property.  Every February Hubbs cleans the old nests out of the bluebird houses.  Invariably one or two become home to some mice during the winter months.  Finding a mouse nest and its inhabitants is always a bit startling for Hubbs (he knows they'll be there, but is never quite ready for them!)

 Each year about this time the Eastern Bluebird starts building his nests in our houses.   I have been hearing their song each morning during morning chores.  "Cheer, cheerful charmer" he cries from atop the fence posts.
(courtesy of Google Images)

Hubbs painted a few new houses to install this year.  We also are putting up a screech owl house.  We have a number of owls who call our woods home.  Most of the year we can hear the calls of the great horned owl, the barred owl, and the screech owl.  The screech owl is a tiny owl who doesn't actually screech.  He has a call that is more like a haunting "trill".
(courtesy of Google Images)

This is our favorite nighttime sound in the summer.  In an attempt to attract more, we are providing nesting boxes for them.

I hope to eventually get my own pictures of these beautiful birds...but I think that the screech owl may be a bit of a challenge.  He is out at nighttime and well hidden during the light of day.


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