Look WHO's Back!!

Look WHO's Back!!

Well, here it is Saturday morning already!
Wherever did my week go?

(Thanks so much for all your words of support!)
It's been a very hectic time, but things are winding down....
winding down towards Christmas!!

So sorry I have not been around this week,
but we are back with more "tails" from the farm!
I wanted to quick share a picture of just who greeted us this morning in the barn....


this little fellow eventually got up enough nerve...

to turn and look me in the face...

He is a cute little screech owl who was most likely gathering nesting material in our barn.
These boys build their nests during the early winter so that 
they can use their lovely home to lure a willing female partner.
Mating occurs late winter with babies arriving in the spring.

This little fellow stands about 8 inches tall.

So stinking cute!

We are celebrating our Christmas with our kids (and Tyler) this weekend....
so we will be back on Monday with pictures!

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