More Snow....

More Snow....

With the exception of Wednesday, it looks as though this week is a snow week.

The dogs love the snow and look forward to each time we go outside for chores.
Romping, playing, running along with the gator....

and looking for tasty treats in the snow are their favorite activities.

Most of the chickens stay inside in this weather...
but a few can't resist coming out to see what Sammy has found.

The goats, with their thick winter coats were built for snow.

And goofy Spider has a double set of horn tufts today!

It must be nice to he equipped with a double set of back scratchers!

- Snow Day?
There was a day (long ago) when the mere mention of "SNOW DAY"sent fluttering butterflies of excitement through my soul. Those were the days when a snow day school,playing for hours on mountains of snow left at the curb by the plow,snow...

- Snow Day!
Yesterday I said that there is no such thing as a "snow day" in my life anymore.Well, as luck would have it...yesterday was usual day off from farm work...(thanks to our friends Jim and Kathy who take over for me on Wednesdays)and it snowed...

- Snow....finally
No, we did not have snow for Christmas.The snow came right on schedule, however, for Farm Show week.Each January, Pennsylvania has its annual Farm Show...a huge exposition of everything related to farming.And each January, Farm Show week has some...

- Blizzard!
Ok, enough is enough! We have had a total of 3 foot of snow so far this month.... and we are not even half way through February. Although it is beautiful to look at, it does make farm life a bit more challenging. Yesterday was a crazy day! I went out...

- Baby, It's Cold Outside
This has been the coldest December that I can remember. Our Decembers are usually temperate...and snow for Christmas is often a long shot. However, it looks like the snow on the ground will still be around for the holidays. The snow on the ground makes...

