Snow Day!

Snow Day!

Yesterday I said that there is no such thing as a "snow day" in my life anymore.
Well, as luck would have it...
yesterday was usual day off from farm work...
(thanks to our friends Jim and Kathy who take over for me on Wednesdays)
and it snowed most of the day.

So, a snow day is exactly what I had!!

Instead of going out and working in the snow, I got to stay indoors and play.
Sewing, knitting, cooking... were the activities of the day.
Homemade quiche for dinner...

The dogs and I took an afternoon break and went out for a romp in the snow.

Here is a glimpse of my world right now....

Bird's eye view of the snowy world....

As the snow fell outside, I stayed warm and toasty in my sewing room.
I sewed three of these....

and two of these....

Today I will deliver them to my favorite coffee shop/restaurant for their wait staff...
and give my sewing machine a much needed rest!

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