More Thursday Thirteen Books

More Thursday Thirteen Books

Thirteen Books I Read Recently

  1. The Everything Dog Training and Tricks Book by Gerilyn J. Bielakiewicz - packed full of helpful advice. I hope everyone will take the advice about not leaving your pets alone in parked cars when it is hot out.

  2. Underdog, Training the Mutt, Mongrel, and mixed Breed at Home by Mordecai Siegal and Mattew Margolis ~ The book explains how to find the mutt for you. Oh and the trainers do the training in evening dress. There is a lot of talk about the temperament of dogs; the nervous dog, the nervous-shy dog, the nervous-aggressive dog, the shy dog, the stubborn dog (Fenris is a little stubborn sometimes), the sedate dog (Fenris also shows signs of being a sedate dog, for a puppy he is very calm so I think as he ages this will be his temperament),and the aggressive dog. At the end of the book they show several "famous" TV and Movie dogs, that are Mutts.

  3. Dream Chaser by Sherrilyn Kenyon ~ Thanks to Katra Xypher has one month on earth to redeem himself (which Xypher doesn't belive is possible) or make sure Satara joins him in hell. Satara arranges for him to be chained to a weak human (Simone), if she dies Xypher dies. There is just one thing Simone is only half human and Jaden seems determined to protect her.

  4. Mutts America's Dogs ~ Some heartwarming stories about how wonderful mutts are and a reminder that mixed breed dogs (and cats) die needlessly every day. One story really upset me though and reminded me how cruel humans can be. In 1957 a two year old Samoyed Husky mix, Laika, was sent into space (she was the first mutt in space). Laika spent six days in space and then they shut off her oxygen supply. I think suffocating must be a horrible way to die and Laika deserved better then that. No experiments should be done on animals that results in their dying painfully. I read more about her here and the facts seem to be a little different then those in the book, but they did send her into space knowing she would die, it is only the method and time of her death (which was undoubtedly painful) that differs.

  5. The Dark Hunter Companion by Sherrilyn Kenyon with Alethea Kontis - good if you need a laugh or something light to read.

  6. Winter Born by Sherrilyn Kenyon - How Dante meet Pandora.

  7. Born of the Night by Amanda Ashley - Reyes was cursed to be a werewolf and sworn to avenge his father. Then he meet Shanara.

  8. 15 Minutes to a Great Dog by Kevin Michalowski - some practical tips.

  9. Controlling Your Dog Away From You by John J. Romba - I didn't care for this book.

  10. 21 Days to Train Your Dog by Colin Tennant - I am thinking of getting a Face Collar for Fenris as he likes to pull.

  11. Make It Last Forever by L.A. Banks - Tara finds Jack Rider and makes him a warrior so he can guard the Great Huntress.

  12. Teach Your Dog to Behave by Bashkim Dibra with Elizabeth Randolph - An enjoyable read. Fenris is a really good puppy and all the training books I have been reading highlight what a gem he is.

  13. Red Moon Rising by Lori Handeland - Maya is suffering from writer's block until a skinwalker threatens her life and a handsome hero comes to her rescue.

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