Thursday Thirteen ~ Books

Thursday Thirteen ~ Books

Thirteen Books I Read Recently

  1. Sins of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon - How Acheron saved Ias from being trapped as shade. We also meet Dark Huntress, Dangereuse St. Richard. Stryker as usual has come up with a plan to hurt Acheron. He has fermented rebellion among the Dark Hunters in Mississippi in order to kill Alexion (one of the few people Acheron is close too). Xirena will be reunited with her sister Simi and that may be more trouble then even Acheron can handle.
  2. The Pagan Stone by Nora Roberts ~ The last book in The Sign of Seven Trilogy and it's heartbreaking. Gage finally realizes he is ready to settle down with Cybil, only to discover the way to defeat the evil is for Gage to sacrifice his life.
  3. Irish Tweed by Andrew M. Greeley - It's a Nuala Anne McGrail Novel. The kids are being picked on by bullies at their school. Their nanny and her fella are the victims of an old
  4. feud. And Dermot is given the memoir of an Irish Immigrant who becomes one of Chicago's first women doctors.
  5. Why Does My Dog Act That Way by Stanley Coren - interesting book about the personality of dogs. It has a Dog Behavior Inventory, but it's better suited to dogs older then Fenris, so I didn't fill it out. I'll probably do it once he is older. Very upsetting chapter about the dog fighting industry and how they steal peoples pet cats and small dogs for bait. They actually prefer house-cats as they are usually declawed and can't harm the dogs they are training. This awful "sport" must be stopped, the people who are involved in it are truly sick individuals. Uplifting chapters about hero dogs who have saved people or other animals.
  6. Promises in Death by J.D. Robb - Dallas never disappoints. Amaryllis Coltraine (introduced in a previous book) is murdered with her own weapon. Eve finds justice not only for Amaryllis but for the man she left behind.
  7. Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult ~ very sad story full of ethical issues and moral dilemmas. Charlotte sues her OB-GYN (who used to be her best friend) for the "wrongful birth" of her disabled daughter.
  8. Dark Side of The Moon by Sherrilyn Kenyon - Stryker continues his plot to destroy the Dark Hunters, this time with the help of the human police chief in Seattle. Ravyn is not only a Arcadian shape shifter he is a Dark Hunter. In cat form he can endure sunlight, the big question is can he overcome Susan's allergy to cats.
  9. Until Death We Do Part by Sherrilyn Kenyon ~ Esperetta of the house of Dracul was on her way home from a convent when her party was attacked by Turks. She was rescued by Velkan Danesti and fell madly in love with him even though the Dracul and Danesti families were sworn enemies. The Danesti's disowned Velkan and Vlad Dracul hunted the young couple down. In an attempt to save Esperetta Velkan gave her a sleeping potion and tried to convince her Father she was dead. Not believing Velkan Vlad stabbed her anyway, then tortured and killed Velkan. As you can probably guess Velkan sold his sold to Artemis and became a Dark Hunter, but this story has a twist. Velkan had bound his sold to Esperetta's so when he sold his soul and became a Dark Hunter Esperetta was brought back to life too. Now 500 years have past and they have to work out their marital problems or risk being killed by The Order of the Dragon.
  10. Airman by Eoin Colfer Books II & III ~ Tells of Conor's imprisonment on Little Saltee how he eventually escapes and rescues Queen Isabella and his family from Bonvilain.
  11. The Dream Hunter by Sherrilyn Kenyon ~ Arik makes a deal with Hades in order to spend two weeks as a mortal man with Megeara Kafieri ( for those who have read Acheron, Tory's cousin.). Unfortunately the deal might alert Zeus that his curse on the Oneroi is weakening so M'Adoc sends assassins to kill him. Lucky for Arik Megeara is more then she seems and has some pretty powerful allies. M'Adoc tricked Arik into going with him and kills him but never fear Megeara is willing to go to hell to get her man back.
  12. Devil May Cry by Sherrilyn Kennyon ~ Artemis sends Katra to kill Sin, but instead they fall in love, in between saving the world from the Gallu and the Dimme How will Artemis handle being a Grandma?
  13. Dog Training in No Time (How to Understand and Train Your Dog in Just Minutes a Day) by Caroline Davis and Keith Davis - Good tip for preventing your dog from nipping or biting; use a repellent spray.
  14. The Heart of the Matter by Paul Loeb & Suzanne Hlavacek - I didn't find this book particularly helpful or engaging.

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