Morning to Evening....Everything In Between Is Hot!

Morning to Evening....Everything In Between Is Hot!

Farm work begins before the sun rises above the horizon.
Right now, it's the coolest time of the day.
Cool and foggy.

We're in the midst of a heat wave...
but one in which the nights are a layer of fog settles over the morning landscape.

With the heat, Ginger and MaryAnn have been sleeping outside
next to their friends, the sheep, on a bed of hay leftover from the sheep's feeder.

As soon as they hear the gator, though, their are up and running for their house,
anticipating breakfast.

The horses and donkeys are still spending their nights out to pasture.

It's quite a luxury for them to spend so many hours grazing.

The pasture has been slow to grow at this time of year,
so the grazing is minimal.
Everyone is maintaining their trim figures...
so we'll continue this routine for the time being.

For some odd reason, Tom and Chuck have not been returning home
each evening, but rather attempting to roost on the fence surrounding
the Nigerian Dwarf goats.

As a result, we have to ask them to hop down from the fence
so that we can lead them back to their house for the night.
Although these birds are rather large, I worry that some predator might
get them during the night if they are not locked up safe and sound.

And so, it's almost dark.
Everyone is tucked in for the night...
except the horses and donkeys...
the fun is just beginning for them.

I'd love to have an infra-red movie camera following them around at night to see what
they do with all of their time.

Well, the weekend that we traditionally think of as the end of summer has arrived.
Labor Day Weekend.
Where did the summer go?  Does anyone know?

I hope your weekend is full of fun and not full of labor!!
We'll compare notes next week, ok?
Happy Labor Day!

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